About us
What is through the doors of the Modern Mystery School?
MMS is an international organization of Lightworkers who are driven to bring light to the world, starting with the light in themselves. We believe World Peace is possible as each and every one of us start to take greater responsibility for creating good in our own lives, and inspiring change around us.
The modalities and teachings of the Modern Mystery School are held within the Lineage of King Salomon, handed down from teacher to student over the last 3,000 years in an unbroken lineage. “Know Thyself” is the motto of MMS, and every healing, class, tool, teaching, and training program within the school is helping one achieve this.
The life you are meant to live is on the other side of your current perceived reality. We are not our wounds. We are not our job titles. We are not our societal status. We are not our fears or even sometimes, our dreams. We are eternal beings with a purpose and mission. To Know Thyself is to know who you are as Spirit and your unique purpose in this physical existence. Coming into alignment with who you really are is like falling into the right wavelength of your full potential, empowerment, and fulfillment in life - where each step you take becomes more purposeful and your life becomes a reflection of your true self.
The Modern Mystery School is filled with people of intelligence, skillmanship, leadership, compassion, and most of all, humility. These heartfelt, deep thinkers find their way to the doors of the Mystery School and recognize the opportunity for endless growth that MMS has to offer. Doctors, scientists, engineers, artists, technologists, and entrepreneurs have all walked the path to Know Thyself, driven by a desire to not only better themselves, but better their service to humanity. The Mystery School helps you become a better leader of your own life, and those that then choose to share that light with others will create ripple effects of positive change in the world. If you believe you have a heart to impact the world for the better, then MMS is for you!
L.I.F.E. - Documentary Series
Stories from students of the Modern Mystery School
Epilogue: A Lifelong Journey with Sandra Reed
All Of Us Or None Of Us
Build Your Purpose
Beyond The Surface
Know Your Eternal Self
To Save The World
When Success Isn’t Enough
Craving Magick
Interviews and Discussions
Third Order Conversations
When We Bring Magick into our Matrix
Meet Eric Thompson of the Modern Mystery School Brazil (FULL INTERVIEW)
Kathleen Petersen, Mom, Spiritual Guide, & Director of Administration for Modern Mystery School INT
About the Modern Mystery School: Questions and Answers with Dave Lanyon
Beliefs of the Modern Mystery School: Questions and Answers with Dave Lanyon
Who am I?
“As a Healer, Teacher, and Guide in the Modern Mystery School, I am here to offer you the Light of the Lineage, in its purity, and help you navigate the reigns of self discovery.”
From a young age, I felt I was watching a movie of my life, observing a character of myself and characters of people around me. It seemed there was something larger at hand, something I couldn’t quite explain, but it made me feel extremely connected to the human experience and feel for other people. However, like many others with an empathetic nature, I struggled to find safety and stability amongst others, and eventually started to numb my senses. This resulted in years of depression and physical illness.
On the other hand, I remained a driven person, pushing through mental, physical, and emotional blocks daily. I have a background as a registered nurse and business owner. From the outside people saw a thriving, adventurous, and intelligent girl; whereas inside was a struggle to cultivate love and joy. What drove me was a deep inner knowing that the challenges I was facing wasn’t the life I was meant to be living, even if it seemed out of my control. And I was desperate to solve the riddle of suffering.
This deeper knowing that there must be something more inevitably brought me to the doors of the Modern Mystery School. Before I found MMS, I was a prisoner of my mind and emotions. The good that I wanted to bring to the world could not get past my shadow of self-doubt, uncertainty, and sadness. Through the healings, teachings, and practices of the Lineage, I was able to break free of a negative mind, heal emotional wounds, restore my physical body, and create a life that reflects the Light of God! The Light in our hearts can so easily be dimmed by our lack of awareness of who we are and who we are not. I have witnessed the miracles in my life and my fellow students who have walked the path to Know Thyself.
What a beautiful world we will live in when we are all operating from our hearts and not our wounds. This is the change that I want to see in the world and it is my honor to lead the way by example!
Am I the fool?
In a world where people are bombarded with propaganda and empty promises, how do we navigate fear and skepticism?
The best way to illuminate what hides in the shadow of our mind is to quite literally, shine a light on it! We do this by bringing challenging topics to the forefront and saying, "Here it is. Let's talk about it."
The reality is, we should not fear exploration of ideas, concepts, beliefs, or understandings. We should feel free to ask questions and allow others to question us. We cannot sustain a world where people seek only that which validates their own beliefs and understandings, because it is only where met with opposition the opportunity to grow exists.
In fact, leading your life with questions in the absence of assumption will support you in continuous growth. In the pursuit to Know Thyself, asking a question creates the container to receive.
"Have only opinions of things you are an expert on. The rest should be a desire to learn through questions. True experts often find a need to ask questions."
- Sovereign Ipsissimus Dave Lanyon
The way to eliminate fear and skepticism is to address it. Either by asking a question to bring clarity, or by going into the fear itself; having a direct experience to then come to know whether the perceived danger/risk is real or not.
"Ye shall know them by their fruits."
Matthew 7:16
To discern by the fruits can be applied to both the observer and the explorer. If you do not wish to experience a healing or class yourself, then please judge only by the fruits of those who live by the teachings of the Lineage. Or, simply ask questions.
In the article linked below, "Illuminating Our Culture of Light," it discusses the very fabric of MMS community and the principles of life we live by.

If you choose to explore what the Modern Mystery School has to offer, then judge by the fruits in your own life once you experience a healing, apply the knowledge, and use the tools.
You decide!
In conclusion, you are the fool only when you separate yourself within the pursuit of knowledge. Meaning, when you fabricate your beliefs from other's understandings, you rob yourself of wisdom.
It is through understanding of our own experiences do we then become wise. Seek wisdom and it will meet you in the mirror. Except the mirror is your life and a reflection of you. Become an active participant in your life and stop living through the perception of others.
To be an active participant one must act. Make a decision. Leap into fear. Run towards joy. Dance through obstacles. Fall and get back up. Live life! You won't regret it.
Lastly, don't forget to laugh.
"Fools laugh at others. Wisdom laughs at itself."
- Osho
I am proud to introduce to you the first episode of MMS mockumentary! What a great way to respond to absurdity: with fun and humor. Enjoy!