A Path in a Package

Every journey begins with the first step. And you’ve just made yours.

Why choose a package?

True transformation requires commitment and consistency. These packages are to support you on your path of true healing and discovery towards your purpose in the world! Choose a package to ensure you have the focus, direction, and support to get you where you want to be.

Request a consultation to discuss which package is right for you!

Awaken Package


(You save $100!)

Awaken to your divine nature and reignite your passion for life!

Empowerment Package


(You save $200!)

Receive the tools, knowledge and healing to recreate your life in infinite possibility!

Healer Package

Are you an existing healing practitioner or looking to train as one? This package is for you.


(You save $260!)

Prepare yourself for Healer’s Academy and change people’s lives!

Pay with Cherry

Financing options available. Click here to see if you qualify for 0% interest. Not a hard credit inquiry.


With your purchase of a package you will be eligible for a membership! Your first 3 months are free, and then $20/month thereafter.

There is limited availability in the months of February, May, and November due to MMS International Programs

Memberships include: