Teachings and Training

Practical application of ancient knowledge to help you remember who you are

Sacred Geometry Level 1

Learn about the language of creation! In this class you will awaken the three fundamental geometries within you and learn how to use sacred geometry to elevate your space to a higher vibration.

Sacred geometry is the pure language of creation. In this class we will explore this language to better connect to the living spirit and oneness of all things created!

There are three keys that collectively make up the building blocks of matter, including you! These are known as the 3 Keys to Heaven and each key will be awakened in your structure during this class. Doing so better attunes you to experience the spiritual essence of all physical matter. You will better understand the art of manifestation and creation of your own world. Sacred Geometry is one of the core subjects of mystery school teachings and historically has helped initiates access greater wisdom, heighten their connection to spirit, and transform the world around them. The Modern Mystery School has 22 levels of Sacred Geometry training, each granting access to knowledge and tools to bring you to a deeper awareness and connection to the Self as All.

Astral Travel

Learn how to safely expand your consciousness beyond your physical body!

Astral travel is not an estranged phenomenon to consider. In fact, we all do it every night when we sleep!

In this class you will learn how to safely and effectively travel the astral planes and other dimensions in your waking state. In addition, you will be guided in a journey to The Akashic Zone where you can receive information. Astral travel is better with a purpose! After this class you will better understand how this can benefit you on your own personal journey and aid you in the quest to Know Thyself!

Sanctuary Meditation

Meet with your Higher Self and receive clear guidance from within!

This is a safe and trusted method to expand your consciousness to higher realms, accessing a unique environment for conversing with your Higher Self. You will take this technique home with you to continue tuning into the wisdom of your soul and deepening your spiritual connection at your will!

Spiritual Intuition

Learn how to develop and strengthen your spiritual senses: clairvoyance (seeing), clairaudience (hearing) and clairsentience (feeling).

We are continuously receiving information around us through our senses. However, much of what we are sensing we are unaware of how to interpret or make sense of. With the help of exercises in this class, you will begin to strengthen your senses, helping you become more clear as to what this information is.

Strengthening your spiritual intuition will lead you to have greater guidance and perception of reality.

Awaken Thyself

Experience the essence of the ancient mysteries and feel if the path of initiation is right for you!

Many people who find themselves at the doors of The Modern Mystery School are the seekers of knowledge and observers of themselves and the world. However, the question still arises, “Is this what I am looking for?”. Inside the ancient mystery school tradition lies a spiritual path to Know Thyself through the process of initiation and traditional practices.

In this class you gain a deeper understanding of what initiation is by connecting to the energy of it. You will learn what the Modern Mystery School is all about, what to expect within the teachings of the Lineage, and how it can benefit you! You will be guided through meditation and ritual, getting a true taste of what the Mystery School has to offer.

7 Ancient Mystery Schools

Learn about the 7 ancient mystery schools of our planet and how they matter to humanity.

In this informative evening class you will learn about the 7 mystery schools of the planet. For thousands of years these schools have remained quiet, and have often become part of legend and story throughout history. Often associated with the occult, there has always been a great deal of mystery surrounding these schools and their practices. Yet in most all of these old stories the people who studied or are associated with these schools have said to have been extraordinary people, displaying a variety of different talents. Many who we have read about in our history books, and have left their mark on the planet. For years these schools have been closed to the public. The teachings only offered to royalty and the extremely gifted, but humanity’s consciousness has been shifting to new heights and now all are ready to receive this information and teachings.

You will discover things like: Their location, each one’s different purpose and how they collectively come together for a greater purpose. Their correlation to the body, and much more. The Modern Mystery School represents one of these. The information and teachings from this lineage have been held extremely holy and have been protected for this moment in time. All are now ready to receive and put into action these teachings and way of life, bringing about the new world, or Shamballa, a time of true peace, and understanding. This class offers a more in depth look at these and the information and mystery contained within them.

Stress Rescue

Learn tools and techniques to manage your stress and start to embody more joy!

Learn tools and techniques to manage your stress and start to embody more joy!

In this workshop, you will be guided in exploring what role stress plays in your own life and how it may be affecting your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. You will begin to understand stress at the metaphysical level, and why it is important to manage the stress response, not just the symptoms. In this 6-hour workshop you will be taught tools and techniques to manage your stress and shift more into Joy!